The Revelry Collective is more than fashion. We are an all inclusive brand that wants to bring together the best in the business and charity sectors to combat the issues of Mental Health. Our apparel has meaning but also it now has action. We want to be a true collective and we are open to work with whoever we can to really make an impact... Below is just a few highlights of the journey. If you want to know more, or you want to support TRC, please get in touch. 

"Start up Finalists 2 years running"

Get changed... You're coming with us... 


Back to business 

After a few months away, TRC have made some great connections and are in a place where we want to get back to business... We all have our pressures and issues and we took the decision to look after ourselves for a while and re-centre... Our vision has always been the same, the how we make the difference has been the hurdle.... However we have jumped that hurdle with a new opportunity - We have just finished a successful shoot to show you all (Soon) and we are ready to do what we always set out to do. Build an all inclusive collective that makes a huge difference in the world.


Year 2 = 2 Awards? 

Last year we were lucky enough to make it to the Start Up awards 2022 as finalists for the "Rising Star" award... Unfortunately it was not meant to be. However we were both extremely proud to be in the mix with all the other great businesses and entrepreneurs.  

One year on and we have been shortlisted to the finals again. This time we are up for "Online Retail StartUp" and "Fashion and Beauty StartUp" and we couldn't be happier.... Until the trip up to the award ceremony in Newcastle. we will keep on doing what we do :)

Feb 2023

Introducing the talent...

(Grant) Grant has worked alongside Nick in his their day jobs for a few years. They are friends and when introduced to Chris, There was an immediate conversation to be had... How do we get him involved? So far, Grant has been a Model, Actor, Representative, Ambassador and general support of TRC... In the future we have big plans for Grant and he will be as much to do with the brand as Chris and Nick.

(Poppy) Poppy works with Chris in recruitment and excels in everything she does. She has won numerous awards this year and it just made sense to see if she can push us like she does herself. Poppy will hold us accountable to do the things we say we are going to do. She has also modelled and acted in our latest shoot (Coming Soon) 

Dec 2022

Success is subjective...

We recently talked about how we measure success in both business and our personal lives and realised, it’s all subjective. Everyone has a different metric for their own success and it’s important to understand what yours is.

 Don’t listen to outside noise and judgement and work towards your life being successful for you!


Much love, Nick 


Lessons - "We are always learning"

With any business, you try things, calculate risk and some things work and some don’t. We realised over the past 18 months it’s important to have a metric or way of understanding if something is valuable and worth the time we put into it and if it isn’t, we stop doing it! This is when quitting is the smartest thing to do. “Never quit, keep going” is another one of those clichés that just isn’t true. If something is eating away at your mental health, sapping time away from you and has no value to your end goal, stop it! We’ve learned a few harsh lessons on this journey and there’ll be plenty more to come! 

Dec 2022

Fancy a Colab?

Tipsy's Bar is a new hot spot in West Vale (West Yorkshire)

The Tipsy's team know that social scenes have an important place in communities, however they also want to go one step further and be visible to their customers that show they care and understand about Mental Health. All the staff are now wearing Uniform designed and made by TRC


Rising Stars 

Founders, Chris and Nick have been nominated and shortlisted for the 2022 "Rising Star" award in the Yorkshire, Humberside & North East England - We are really excited about this and even if we don't win.... Getting this far in our first year against some amazing other businesses is truly incredible. 


Dec 2021

Helping Homeless People

On Saturday 18th of December 2021 The TRC team went into Leeds with 50 bags filled with basic things we take for granted. including fresh underwear and socks, hand sanitiser, cleaning products and much more... Our collective of customers did this, we just facilitated it  (Chris and Nick) 

August 2021

The Beginning

The Revelry Collective was started to destroy stigma, help people and to deliver solutions driven by a wide range of partners. We wanted a brand for all, designed to positively affect the lives of the people involved, from customers to businesses to anyone that wants to show support and help others. To do this we wanted to slowly create a hub, a team, a place in which people can be human and express their vulnerability and support for others at the same time. We have many ideas and a direction, but we can’t give too much away! 

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